Musings of a fickle mind
Friday, November 12, 2010
Blogging from my Phone!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Album Review #1: Unbroken by Katharine McPhee
Two years after her debut, Katharine McPhee makes a come back with Unbroken (released under new label, Verve, a division of the Universal Music Group [UMG]). She comes back with a new look and sound. She deviates from the generic pop sound she had in her debut, and instead opts for a more organic and mature sound in this new record. Moreover, she has written more material in this album, which makes it even more personal. I believe that with Unbroken, Kat finds her voice and herself as an artist.

Track by Track Review
1. It's Not Right- This is one of the tracks in the album in which Kat allows herself to soar vocally. Her effortless singing coupled with lush instrumentals add to the magic that this song conveys to its listeners. I would recommend listening to this song in full surround sound. Incredible. 9.5/10
2. Had It All- This very radio-friendly tune is the first single off Unbroken. It has this folksy and country vibe, which is very infectious. Moreover, the song has this very catchy hook and chorus, which is very much reminiscent of Daniel Powter's, Bad Day. 8.5/10
3. Keep Drivin'- I admit that I wasn't really digging this tune when I first heard it. I found it dragging and lazy, observing no real climax in the song. The song, however, grew on me. I realized what made the song special was Kat's soft and somewhat smokey (lack of a better word) vocals. It was this element that made the song haunting and sweet. 8/10
4. Last Letter- I could not help but notice how catchy the lyrics of this song are. "It makes me happy to use you a little, to use you a litte, to write this song." Kat effectively channels some angst and anger while singing this song, which was supposedly written for an ex-boyfriend. Although the song somehow lacks in production, and can be mistaken for a demo, Kat's vocals and the catchy lyrics compensate for this. 7.5/10
5. Surrender-Absolutely love Kat's vocals in this song. She showcases versatility and range. What's more, this song shows how Kat has matured not only as an artist, but also as a songwriter. You have got to admit that this song is very poetic, deep and artistic. Love this song. 10/10
6. Terrified- I initially heard this song in an earlier youtube video with songwriters Kara Dioguardi and Jason Reeves performing it. I just could not understand why no artist has recorded this song. When I heard that Kat had this song as part of the line up of songs for her new album, I was completely stoked. I just knew that she would nail it. As expected, she brings it home with an infectious and catchy performance of this mid-tempo ballad. She showcases the gentle and powerful aspects of her voice. Love it. I recommend that everyone listens to her version with Zachary Levi..Talk about vocal chemistry! :D 10/10
7. How-I just love how the song oozes with percussion. Adding to the melodious and foot-tapping beat are the uplifting lyrics. This is a nice feel good song to jam to. Kat's voice just soars in this ballad. Definitely a favorite I can't stop listening to. 9/10
8. Say Goodbye- Haunting. Kat channels the likes of Sarah McLachlan in this simple yet exquisite piano-driven ballad. Kat effectively conveys the dreary and sad emotions of a person saying goodbye to a lover. Emotive and moving. 10/10
9. Faultline- This is another slow ballad which showcases Kat's vocal ability and range. I love how she channels her inner diva in this song, and goes for incredible notes. Setting aside the vocal aspect, the lyrics are stirring and rich. A solid song and performance. 8.5/10
10. Anybody's Heart- A simple yet beautiful song. In contrast to Faultline, Kat sticks to the softer side of her voice. It's as if she's singing a simple lullaby. This song is also one of those lyrically moving songs in the record. 9.5/10
11. Lifetime- A cute mid-tempo track on the record, this song is very much reminiscent of those songs found in feel good commercials. The lyrics are also very meaningful, talking about meaningful moments and life, in general, spent with loved ones. I never get bored with this track. 9/10
12. Unbroken- This is a song Kat co-wrote with the legendary Paula Cole. As anticipated, the lyrics are very heartfelt and rich. Kat's vocals once again shine. Perfect. 10/10
13. Brand New Key- A cover of Melanie Kafka's 70s hit. I initially questioned this song choice. Out of the all the possible covers Kat could've done, she chose a rather unfamiliar song. Then, I realized that she hasn't exactly shown her fun and quirky side in the record. The lyrics found in this record have mostly been emotive and deep. I now knew shy she chose this song. It was to simply have fun. As silly as the lyrics of the song may be, Kat just wanted to play around and have fun! 8/10
Monday, July 5, 2010
Back :D
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Brief Hiatus
I'm going to be taking a short break from blogging for a while. I'll probably be back once I get through this "thesis" phase.
See yah!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
American Idol Season 9 Review #10 Top 9
Lennon McCartney Songbook once again!
Starting with the Good:
Katie Stevens (Let It Be)- I don't know...I just really loved this performance! She really performed it tonight. I really hope she stays!
Casey James (Hey Jealousy)- I really like Casey when he performs more intimately and showcases his softer side. One of the stronger performances of the night!
Crystal Bowersox (Come Together)- I think this is my favorite cover of this song ever!! heheh.. Crystal, once again, you were just effortless!
The OK:
Siobhan Magnus (Across the Universe)- It was nice to see Siobhan restrain from the high notes and show the softer side of her vocals. Her voice is indeed beautiful. She, however, is at her ultimate best when she does those unbelievable high notes! ;D
Lee Dewyze (Hey Jude)- Sooo glad someone sang this song finally! However, i do think Didi did a much better version... I loved the beginning, but it got a bit over the place towards the end.. Lee's still a personal favorite though! Hope he stays safe and steps it up next week!
Mike Lynche (Eleanor Rigby)- He seems to be doing the same thing every week...I honestly don't hear him on contemporary radio..maybe he should go broadway...Just a side, check out David Cook's performance of this, it was great!
Tim Urban (All My Loving)- I liked Tim in this performance! I don't think he'll be going anywhere after this performance! hahah...
The Bland and Bad
Andrew Garcia (Can't Buy Me Love) This performance was dull for me. Yup, he showcased his range, but It was incredibly pitchy.
Aaron Kelly (The Long and Winding Road) Whenever I hear this song, I think David Archuleta. This performance absolutely paled in comparison to the Archie performances unfortunately. It was so shaky (probably nervous).
We may see Katie or Tim again in the BOTTOM 3, but neither of them will be leaving yet.
Andrew, Aaron, and Mike Lynche may be in the Bottom 3 for their first time tonight, and end up leaving. :D
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
American Idol Season 9 Review #9 Top 10
Lee Dewyze (Favorite moment!!!)
Crystal Bowersox (Apparently really like her even without the guitar!)
Katie Stevens (Her voice is gorgeous here!!! lol..absolutely in her element)
Mike Lynche (Don't like him..but this is another solid performance from him)
Casey James (Was ok, but nothing special...he's starting to sound the same; want him to go back to "Heaven" mode)
Andrew Garcia (He stepped it up this week big time..not sure if this secures a long term position for him in the competition though...he's made a fair share of clumsy decisions resulting in a lot of bad weeks for him)
Didi Benami (She's sooo emotional!! This performance was old-fashioned and boring..but i do love the tone of her voice. She has to go back to the singer-songwriter vibe that she had in the past)
Aaron Kelly (This song has been sung magnificently by past idols...Aaron's unfortunately paled in comparison. is it just me or does it seem he did WAAAAY better with in the pre-performance footage with Usher??
Bad and Bland
Siobhan Magnus (I really hate to put Siobhan here...but this performance was over the place!! I think it would've been better if the key was lower or something...no doubt she could hit the notes, but sometimes she has the tendency to sound screechy and fall off key ...she however is entitled to a bad week as Kara had mentioned..she's been quite consistent) SAVE SIOBHAN!!!!
Time Urban (Nothing more to say.the song choice was just plain weird....he seemed a bit likable though with his positive attitude and everything...think that he's leaving this week..at least he got to make it to the tour)
BOTTOM 3 prediction: Tim Urban, Andrew Garcia, Didi Benami (Siobhan and Aaron may be in danger as well though :( )
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Faves Once Again
Fave Faves
Siobhan Magnus
Katie Stevens
Crystal Bowersox
Lee DeWyze
Didi Benami
(big gap)
Aaron Kelly
Andrew Garcia (is back)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
American Idol Season 9 Review #8 Top 11
Lee DeWyze (The Letter) Nice seeing Lee moving around the stage more. However, I do have to say, he was not in his element at all. He seemed awkward. Personally, his performances in the smaller stage seemed much more Top 12-worthy than the performances he's been giving 2 weeks into the Top 12. He may be in danger.. 6.5/10
Paige Miles (Against All Odds) Paige Paige Paige...Oh no you just didn't?!?!? What was that? I mean, I absolutely thought that Paige had a great voice..with Simon giving all the hints that she did great in Hollywood..and that she had one of the greater voices among the girls...BUT THIS WAS JUST TERRIBLE...it sounded like a bad audition. It was shaky..it was pitchy...it was off key..She can't do ballads...BAD BAD BAD.. i don't know if this has something to do with her voice recovering or something..but she's had two TERRIBLE ballads in a row... 1/10
Tim Urban (Crazy Little Thing Called Love) Two of the performers I don't like at all after one another..what is Idol doing to me!! Tim should've been gone AGGGEEESS ago..even before the Top 24..and he didn't..the producers just called him back..how I wish they never gave him the Top 24..Please Go Tim..you're time is UP..but i think you'll be safe once again because of the annoying teeny bopper vote..and because you at least were on key unlike Paige.. :(( 4.5/10
Aaron Kelly (I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing) Vocally this performance was OK.. but listening to this after two bland and bad performances, made it seem like a breath of fresh air.. I think Aaron has claimed his spot in the Top 10 next week.. He's been consistent, so he deserves it..Good but not Great. 7.5/10
Crystal Bowersox (Me and Bobby McGee) Effortless..another SOLID performance from Crystal.. What can I say?? Maybe she needs to drop the guitar once in a while..but this was just great.. Can't wait for what she has in store for next week! She's definitely sailing through. 9/10
Mike Lynce (When a Man Loves a Woman) He has a really good voice.. But there's something about him that I just don't like at all.. He just seems so full of himself lately...Hey, wake up.. you're not the best singer.. and I don't think you have that many fans. lol. sorry, just don't like him. This was a good performance, but a bit corny. 7/10
Andrew Garcia (I Heard It Through the Grapevine) I honestly thought that this would fit Andrew..but I don't know, it was so stiff, off and just plain awkward..I absolutely hate his hand movements..he seems to be making fighting moves or somethin'...I honestly don't think he's ever going to get the "Straight Up" moment back.. I do agree with Simon..maybe on hindsight, that moment was overrated. He's had a lot of weeks to prove that he has it in him still, but he just hasn't.. In danger 5/10
Katie Stevens (Big Girls Don't Cry) I loooved this song for Katie. Sure, there were some pitch problems..but i do have to commend her for listening to the judges...she's finally in her element (Pop RnB)..A great song choice!! Absolutely love the tone of her voice! Hope she makes it!! Save Katie! 7/10
Casey James (Power of Love) This performance seemed quite fast. I mean, it was solid, but i just didn't have the IT-factor. It was like an ok bland performance. Not much to say. 8/10
Didi Benami (You're No Good) She started off the song actually quite well. She then started becoming pitchy and all over the place.. I do hope that Didi stays because she has a lovely tone, which will do wonders with the right song.. Song choice is KEY for Didi's survival.. Please be safe! 6.5
Siobhan Magnus (Superstition) My absolute favorite of the night!!! I disagree with Simon..I don't think that Crystal was the only one exceptional tonight!! Siobhan was amazing!! I personally like this performance better than Paint It Black!!! Siobhan for the win!!! Please!!! 9.2/10 (a bit higher than Crystal ahahah)
1) Siobhan Magnus
2) Crystal Bowersox
3) Casey James
4) Aaron Kelly
5) Katie Stevens
6) Mike Lynche
7) Lee Dewyze
8) Didi Benami
9) Andrew Garcia
10) Tim Urban
11) Paige Miles
Bottom 3 with Andrew, Tim and Paige..with Paige out...and Tim, you're lucky someone was worse than you tonight..but if it was up to me, I would eliminate you over Paige, because I just don't like you..lol (Lee,Didi and Katie (PLEASE SAVE KATIE!! haha) may also be in danger)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
American Idol Season 9 Review #7 Top 12
This won't really be a review. I'm a bit lazy right now to write one! So, what i'll do is just list down the contestants I enjoyed, and those I think are in danger.
Performances I enjoyed:
Siobhan Magnus - Paint It Black (Really enjoyed Siobhan once again...this performance was quite Adam Lambert-ish)
Crystal Bowersox- You Can't Always Get What You Want (As usual, another effortless vocal from Crystal)
Lee Dewyze -Beast of Burden (Actually loved this performance of Lee's...excited to hear is studio version!:D)
Katie Stevens - Wild Horses (Like Katie now)
Didi Benami - Play With Fire (Starting to like Didi again..like how she shows of her range here)
Aaron Kelly - Angie (Really fitting song! Like his voice when he doesn't strain it by going for higher notes)
The 'OK'
Paige Miles - Honky Tonk Women (This was actually ok..the fact that she has some vocal issues this week...makes me look at this performance differently..she actually has a great voice..)
Casey James - It's All Over Now (In his element..but not great)
Lacey Brown - Ruby Tuesday (Liked the vocal)
Michael Lynche - Miss You (It was ok...not jumpin' around)
The bland and the bad
Andrew Garcia - Gimme Shelter (All over the place for me)
Tim Urban - Under My Thumb (Not likin' the arrangement)
BOTTOM 3 Prediction
Tim Urban, Lacey Brown and Paige Miles (Andrew Garcia may be in danger as well)
Honestly want Tim to LEAVE
Friday, March 12, 2010
Katie Stevens' PreIdol Youtube Videos
She sounds pretty good! Starting to like her again, even if I think she deserved to be eliminated. Oh well.
Who Am I Rooting For Now that 2 of my Fave Favorites are gone?
Katie Stevens!
Crystal Bowersox!!
Casey James!
Andrew Garcia!
Lee Dewyze!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
America..Your Top 12
1. Didi Benami
2. Siobhan Magnus (I'm rooting for you now!!)
3. Paige Miles (Katelyn deserved this spot more; Paige was horrendous during her performance)
4. Crystal Bowersox (You deserve this place)
5. Katie Stevens (I'm also going to root for Katie...she's likable for me.)
6. Lacey Brown
7. Mike Lynche
8. Aaron Kelly
9. Casey James
10. Andrew Garcia
11. Tim Urban
12. Lee Dewyze
What a mediocre top 12 honestly :(
American Idol Season 9 Review #6: Top 8 Boys
Individual Critiques and Ratings:

Tim Urban (Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley) Tim is actually stepping it up every week. I really really hated him before, but now he's starting to grow on me. I liked his song choice last week, and thought he did a good job this week with Hallelujah. I do have to say, however, that I prefer Jason Castro's and Alexandra Burke's versions better. Whether or not he deserves to make it, I think he stands a chance, but I honestly think that he may be in danger. Rating: 8/10

Ranking based on ratings:
1. Michael Lynche
2. Casey James
3. Alex Lambert (eliminated)
4. Tim Urban
5. Lee Dewyze
6. Aaron Kelly
7. Todrick Hall (eliminated)
8. Andrew Garcia
:((( Todrick and Andrew are getting the boot if it was all based on my ratings. I think that Aaron and Tim may be in danger as well.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
American Idol Season 9 Review #5: Top 8 Girls

Katie Stevens (Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson) First of all, I thought Katie looked beautiful tonight. The performance, however, wasn't very good. I thought the song was too big for her. Her voice was a bit shaky at parts. :( I just don't think she knows who she is as an artist. She has a great voice, and was praised earlier in the competition by Kara, as the potential winner...However, this might be the end of the road for Katie :(((..and I'm very sad as well...I'm still keepin' my fingers crossed that she makes it. Save Katie, she has so much potential, she just needs time to grow!! Rating: 7/10

Siobhan Magnus (House of the Rising Sun - The Animals) This was another solid performance by Siobhan. Nevertheless, I think she's starting to be a bit old-fashioned. I think she needs to show her edgier side more often. Siobhan, please do something like "Living for the City"! :D She's sailing through to the Top 12! :D Rating: 8.5/10

Lacey Brown (The Story - Brandi Carlile) I absolutely LOOOOVE Brandi Carlile and this song!! :D I thought this was a great song choice for Lacey! And I agree with the judges, I could totally hear her voice in the radio right now. I'm not sure though if peaking this late in the competition will grant her a spot in the top 12. Let's just wait and see. Rating: 8/10

Katelyn Epperly (I Feel the Earth Move - Carole King) When I heard that she was doing Carole King, I was hoping that she was going to do the song "So Far Away." However, she ended up doing Carole's uptempo track. I thought she did OK, but this performance paled in comparison to her earlier performances. The judges are right, she did seem nonchalant. I couldn't see the determination in her, during the performance, that she wanted to make it into the Top 12. Nevertheless, I don't think the performance was as bad as the judges made it seem. It seemed that the judges were doing everything in their power to give her bad comments..Personally, she may also be in danger...I hope America sees beyond the judges' views, and realize that she is worthy of a spot in the Top 12! Not her best performance. Save Katelyn! Rating: 7.5/10

Didi Benami (Rhiannon- Fleetwood Mac) Didi finally gets praised by the judges. I thought this was indeed her element. However, I'm starting not to like her. I don't like how she tends to cry and everything.....and seem vulnerable. This was a good performance. I just hope that she faces criticisms with more strength. Rating: 8/10

Paige Miles (Smile- Charlie Chaplin) What happened to Paige?! She finally sings a ballad, but her voice sounded soooo bad. I didn't get it? Where's the "best voice" that Simon was always referring to? I thought she was going to be an underdog. She has officially sealed her fate. Bye Paige. Rating: 5.5/10

Crystal Bowersox (Give Me One More Reason- Tracy Chapman) I really liked this performance! I commend Crystal for her consistency...and her voice is just increadible! This was another solid and effortless performance from Crystal! She is obviously going to make it! However, I do wish starts coming out of her comfort zone..and perform without the guitar once in a while. Rating: 9.5/10

Lilly Scott (I Fall to Pieces - Patsy Cline) She indeed made another song current. However, to me, she's starting to sound the same every week??? It's like she's singing the same song. This was a good performance, but, like Crystal, she needs to step out of her comfort zone. Rating: 7.7/10
Ranking based on ratings:
1. Crystal Bowersox
2. Siobhan Magnus
3. Lacey Brown
4. Didi Benami
5. Lilly Scott (eliminated)
6. Katelyn Epperly (eliminated)
7. Katie Stevens
8. Paige Miles
Performance-wise, Katie and Paige are going home. I also think that Katelyn, Lilly and Lacey (despite her good performance) are in danger. Please save Katie and Katelyn!! :(
Thursday, March 4, 2010
My Official AI Favorites
Most favorite favorites (lol)
Katelyn Epperly (eliminated huhuhuhuh)
Alex Lambert

Siobhan Magnus

Ok favorites
Crystal Bowersox
Lee DeWyze
Katie Stevens
Andrew Garcia
Favorites that i'm not rooting for to win
Lilly (eliminated)
American Idol Season 9 Review #4: Top 10 Girls
I guess the girls generally stepped it up this week. Better song choices. Was OK to watch. :D
Below are my individual performance critiques.
Crystal Bowersox (Long As I Can See The Light by Creedence Clearwater Revival) I was really surprised by Crystal this week. It seemed as if nothing was wrong with her (she just came from the hospital). She sounded almost pitch perfect! Just effortless! This Americana genre is really working out for her. Amazing! Rating: 9.5/10
Haely Vaughn (The Climb by Miley Cyrus) I really wanted this performance to work out for her. Unfortunately, it was quite disastrous and all over the place. She could have had her moment with this song, but it seems as if she doesn’t quite know yet how to use her voice. I don’t know if this can be attributed to her youth and her lack of experience…I do see a lot of potential in her though. A part of me wants her to stay, because she does these unique twists to songs......and her happy and quirky personality is just so infectious. Another part of me, however, is saying bye bye to her this week. Anyway, this was definitely an improvement from last week’s performance. Rough Rating: 6.5/10
Lacey Brown (Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer) This was an ok performance for me. She did sound like the original at many parts of the song. I could tell that this is the type of music she could totally do. My problem with this performance was that she didn’t really add anything new to it. I do love the tone of her voice, but I think she may easily be overshadowed by the stronger performers, which puts her in danger this week. Not great, not bad. Rating: 7/10
Katie Stevens (Put Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae) Love this song, but I thought that Katie was bigger than it. She couldn’t do much with it. The song choice was youthful, but I just thought it didn’t showcase her voice. Although I do have to say that I love how she made use of her lower range. She sounds really good singing with her lower voice. I do think she’ll be safe this week anyway. Nevertheless, she has to step it up next week. This was a so-so performance. Rating: 8/10
Didi Benami (Lean On Me by Bill Withers) Wrong song! Her voice is so distinct and unique that it didn’t work out at all with this song. Her vocal styling made the performance a bit messy and screechy. The song showed the weaknesses of her voice. However, I don’t think that the performance was as bad as the judges made it seem to be. Love her voice, but did not love it with this song. Hope she stays. :/ Rating: 7.3/10
Michelle Delamor (With Arms Wide Open by Creed) Now, that was a weird song choice… She started off really well and controlled, however when she went up to her higher register, her voice somehow fell flat. I like Michelle and I really want her to stay! I just did not feel this performance at all. I give her props though for taking a risk. 7.5/10
Lilly Scott (A Change is Gonna Come by Sam Cooke) I really loved the little twists she made to this song. This is a song that’s usually belted, but Lilly kept it simple and cool to listen to. I liked her performance. I just hope that if ever she stays, she learns to develop her stage presence. Rating: 8.5/10
Katelyn Epperly (The Scientist by Coldplay) I loved this performance!! I personally had no problem with the pace she sang the song with. I believe it showcased her voice really well! She connected well with the audience and the song. I also think that Katelyn looked stunning with her look this week! I love how she kept everything simple, with just the piano. My favorite performance of the night, and currently my favorite contestant among the girls! :D Rating: 9/10
Paige Miles (Walk Away by Kelly Clarkson) I sorta did enjoy Paige’s performance. She really has a great voice. But, I just wish that she could’ve just come out with a simple song, showcasing her voice. I find her personality a bit weird though?!?! Rating: 8/10
Siobhan Magnus (Think by Aretha Franklin) I really enjoy watching Siobhan! She’s unpredictable! I loved how tonight she just sang a song which showcased her BIG range!!! She ended the night with a blast! Loved it! She’s a contestant to watch for along the competition! Dark Horse to win it all, I believe! :D Rating: 9/10
Here’s my ranking of the Top 10 girls based on my individual ratings:
1. Crystal Bowersox
2. Katelyn Epperly
3. Siobhan Magnus
4. Lilly Scott
5. Paige Miles
6. Katie Stevens
7. Michelle Delamor (eliminated)
8. Didi Benami
9. Lacey Brown
10. Haeley Vaughn (eliminated)
Lacey and Haeley are in danger this week! For some reason, I feel like there’s a possibility that Haeley could be safe (I don’t know…) I think Michelle is in danger as well.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
American Idol Season 9 Review #3: Top 10 Boys
Michael Lynche (It’s A Man’s World)- He actually did really well tonight. He was in his element. The song was quite bland, but was a great song choice for him, I believe. He displayed showmanship. Contrary to being an “opening” performer last week (according to Simon), tonight he seemed to be more like the lead. Good way start off the show. Rating: 8/10
John Park (Gravity by John Mayer)- This was a better song choice for John Park. He was ok, but he didn’t bring much. He didn’t add anything new to the song. He wanted to be genuine and authentic. Unfortunately, I could not believe it. Quite bland, sad to say, but miles better than last week’s performance. Rating: 6.5/10
Casey James (I Don’t Want to Be by Gavin DeGraw)- It was a good song choice. I could totally see him doing music like this on a future album. However, like John Park, I feel that he didn’t add anything new. Well, he did all the cool guitar tricks and stuff, however I think this is a big step back from his last performance. He created such a high for himself with “Heaven” that he failed going up from there. It was just ok. Rating: 7.5/10
Alex Lambert (Everybody Knows by John Legend)- Way better now. He seemed more confident and relaxed (probably because he had his guitar). Nevertheless, he really performed it tonight. Once again, he has a great and unique tone to his voice that I really like. He clearly stepped it up tonight! It was legit! My favorite performance of the night. :D Rating: 9/10
Todrick Hall (What’s Love Got to Do With It by Tina Turner)- STOP making song unrecognizable!!! Just sing!! Todrick clearly has a great voice, he just does not showcase it. I suggest, if he gets through to next week, that he just sing a simple song, not doing anything to the arrangement. I think he’s in danger though. :/ 5/10
Jermaine Sellers (What’s Going On by Marvine Gaye)- Jermaine has really really gone downhill from his audition. He tends to be screechy and boring now. I think he’s in danger as well. Pick the right song and don’t over sing. Rating: 5/10
Andrew Garcia (You Give Me Something by James Morrison)- Sorry to say, Andrew just couldn’t live up to the hype that the show built for him. I think he’s going to be like Ramiele Malubay in season 7, who started off really great, and went downhill starting top 24. This song showed the limits and weaknesses of Andrew’s voice. I guess his frontrunner status is fading. Love the song though! Rating: 7.5/10
Aaron Kelly (My Girl by the Temptations)-I honestly did not like this song choice for him. Although he brought something new to it and made it his own, I thought that the performance was a bit off and all over the place. He is good, and I personally see him going far in the competition, but he has to know what kind of music he wants to do and this song won’t help him. The song seemed old for him as well. I think he should’ve just done something more current in the Pop Country genre (something by Carrie Underwood or Lady Antebellum??). Rating: 7/5/10
Tim Urban (C’mon Get Higher by Matt Nathanson)- I liked the song choice, but I just didn’t feel the performance in general. He added nothing new to the song, but it was not a bad performance. I personally think he should’ve left last week. I fear that he will be staying for a while courtesy of the teen fan girl vote. Rating: 6/10
Lee DeWyze (Lips of an Angel by Hinder)- I thought Lee was overrated last week. However, tonight I do see the potential in Lee. This song by Hinder was a great choice for him. He even tried going out of his comfort zone by stepping out without a guitar …props to him for doing that! This performance felt real. I think he’s a dark horse, personally. Rating: 8/5/10
Here’s my ranking of the Top 10 boys based on the individual ratings:
1. Alex Lambert
2. Lee DeWyze
3. Michael Lynche
4. Aaron Kelly
5. Casey James
6. Andrew Garcia
7. John Park (eliminated)
8. Tim Urban
9. Jermaine Sellers (eliminated)
10. Todrick Hall
Based on my ratings, Jermaine and Todrick are goners. I personally think that John Park is in danger as well. I absolutely want Tim Urban to just go, but I think he’ll be saved by the “cute” vote or something.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
American Idol Season 9 Review #2: [Top 24] Top 12 Boys
Todrick Hall (Kelly Clarkson – Since U Been Gone) What was that?!?! I mean, I love this song by Kelly, but did not recognize the song during this performance. He’s got a great voice, and I was expecting a lot from him, but he just ruined that song for me. :( For me, it was waste of talent. Bad. Rating: 4.5/10
Aaron Kelly (Rascal Flatts – Here Comes Goodbye) I’m a country music geek and I do love Rascal Flatts. I think that Aaron did quite a good rendition of the song. However, there were some shaky parts in the performance, probably driven by nerves. He needs to be more confident and work on his stage presence. He’s got a crazy voice for a 16 year old. A lot of potential. Rating: 8/10
Jermaine Sellers (Oleta Adams – Get Here) I was an early fan when he sang “What If God was One of Us” during his audition. Personally, I think he went downhill from then. He has the tendency to over sing and screech over simple, yet beautiful melodies. Less is more… I really thought that he was going to be one of the main contenders for the Idol crown. Disappointed. What a way to start off the show. :( Rating: 5/10
Tim Urban (OneRepublic – Apologize) It’s really getting depressing. You have mediocre performance after another, and then an ultra mediocre like this happens…. :( The song did not fit his voice. The song overpowered his voice. There were a lot of better singers during the Hollywood rounds. I somehow agree with Simon. Maybe he really isn’t right for the top 24. I fear, however, that he’s going to be staying merely because of the fan girl vote. Rating 3.5/10
Joe Munoz (Jason Mraz – You and I Both) Finally, a performance that’s bearable! He’s been under the radar during the earlier rounds. We didn’t really get to hear him that much before this performance. (Another victim of the lack of TV exposure)…I gotta say, he’s got a really nice voice and I think the song was an ok choice. I do disagree with Simon on the star quality comment. I think Joe performed well. He had stage presence. He’s another one with a lot of potential. He may be in danger though. I’m not sure if he’ll be able to get enough votes. He wasn’t a well-established contestant on the show because of the lack of airtime. A breath of fresh air after loads of mediocrity. Rating: 8.5/10
Tyler Grady (American Woman) I used to like Tyler, but now not so much. He doesn’t do anything to me. Contrary to what Simon said, I don’t think I’ll remember this performance at all. Most of the song was just “American woman….American woman…..American woman.” I think he should just leave and stay in his 70s world. Rating: 4/10
Lee Dewyze (Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars) Now, I love this song! He was ok, not great. I don’t get the Simon praise at all. Considering the poorness of the performances in general, he was relatively good. I think he’s a second rate David Cook or somethin’ like that… Rating: 6.7/10
John Park (God Bless the Child) This song is special to me. Katharine McPhee sang this during her audition back in season 5, and nailed it. Unfortunately, John Park’s rendition does not compare. He does his runs well though. He has a good voice, but picked the wrong song. A meh performance.. Rating: 6/10
Michael Lynche (Maroon 5 – This Love) I personally don’t like him that much. I think he was overexposed, with his back-story and everything. Nevertheless, he wasn’t bad. He had one of the more tolerable performances in general. Not great, not bad, just a so so performance. Rating: 7.3/10
Alex Lambert (James Morrison-Wonderful World) One word: NERVES!... This kid has got to loosen up. He has a unique tone to his voice and does sound quite like James Morrison himself! Personally, I hope he stays. He’s likeable and humble. He’s got the chops to make it, but needs to work on his stage presence. He was like a scared cat on the stage. lol. I think he’ll learn to grow on the stage though. Rating: 6.5/10
Casey James (Bryan Adams – Heaven) Clearly the BEST of the night for me! He knows who he is as an artist. He knows what to do with his voice. I think he’s Top 12 material, unless he messes up in the next 2 weeks! Rating: 9.5/10
Andrew Garcia (Fall Out Boy – Sugar We’re Going Down) I was expecting a lot from him. He got the pimp spot, and had the chance to wow us all. The performance was quite bland to be honest, but great if compared with the others of the night. Anyhow, I don’t think he’s going anywhere. He’s got a solid fan base that will keep him in for a while. Rating: 9/10
Here’s my ranking of the top 12 boys based on the individual ratings:
1. Casey James
2. Andrew Garcia
3. Joe Munoz (eliminated)
4. Aaron Kelly
5. Michael Lynche
6. Lee Dewyze
7. Alex Lambert
8. John Park
9. Jermaine Sellers
10. Todrick Hall
11. Tyler Grady (eliminated)
12. Tim Urban
Based on my ratings, Tyler and Tim are out. However, in reality I think those in danger are: John Park, Joe Munoz, Jermaine and Todrick (Not based on the performance, but basing on my perception of their fan bases).